The Event Module is used to display events (the custom post type) in a simple card listing.
Available options:
Headline – Text to include as an H2 heading (with a class of “section-heading”) at the top of the module.
Hide Event Titles – Checkbox to determine whether or not to hide the event titles from on the cards. This is used when a selection is made to show all events of a particular category, on a page specifically designed for the category (where the title would be superfluous information).
Yes | No
Show These Specific Event(s) – Choose specific events to showcase, regardless of other criteria.
Event Type – Show all events for a given category (WordPress taxonomy). Useful for aggregate pages related to a particular type of event (e.g.; Tax Forum, LITC, Pre-filing days, etc…)
State – Show all events for a particular state. Useful for aggregate pages related to a particular office or location.
Events will only display when their date is in the future (past events “drop off”).
When no events are found, the module will display the text “No upcoming events found”.