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Published:   |   Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Advocate for the IRS to be fully transparent and provide specific details on its progress toward implementing the Strategic Operating Plan (SOP), including its efforts to modernize technology and strategically implement AI, and to produce clear and timely guidance and information to taxpayers, tax professionals, industry, and other stakeholders.



Technology is not the only area of concern for IRS transparency. The IRS must be proactive in issuing guidance on tax law that is clear and timely and that adequately reflects input from stakeholders while fully complying with the notice-and-comment requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act.26 As the IRS continues to implement its Strategic Operating Plan (SOP), it needs to provide stakeholders with meaningful updates on its progress without overstating successes or minimizing setbacks. These updates must include performance metrics and specific deadlines that objectively report progress toward all initiatives in the SOP, not just modernization efforts the IRS currently prioritizes.





Expected Completion Date




Activity 1: Make internal recommendations through TAS’s cross-functional working groups and the IRS Advisory Counsel and external recommendations through public speeches, blogs, Reports to Congress, and other avenues that the IRS be transparent when providing updates on its plans for modernization and its progress toward meeting modernization initiatives.

Activity 2: Through membership on the Data and Analytics Strategic Integration Board, the AI Assurance Team, or other cross-functional groups involved in AI oversight, review IRS uses of AI to ensure that they comply with government-wide standards on taxpayer rights and data privacy.

Activity 3: Conduct listening sessions and other forms of outreach with external stakeholders to identify areas in which the IRS has not provided taxpayers with guidance and information that is timely and clear and that adequately incorporates stakeholder feedback. Use internal meetings, blogs, and Reports to Congress to advocate for the IRS to promptly address these issues.

Activity 4: Participate on cross-functional teams implementing the IRS Inflation Reduction Act Strategic Operating Plan, evaluate planned initiatives, and make administrative recommendations to maximize protection of taxpayer rights and minimize IRS burden imposed on taxpayers. Participate on cross-functional teams implementing the IRS Inflation Reduction Act Strategic Operating Plan, evaluate planned initiatives, and make administrative recommendations to maximize protection of taxpayer rights and minimize IRS burden imposed on taxpayers.


Actions Completed

1st Quarter

Quarterly update on the identified activities


Next Steps

Projected next actions