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Published:   |   Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Work with the IRS to improve taxpayer access to telephone and in-person assistance

Objective 4


When taxpayers need IRS assistance filing and paying their federal taxes, two of the primary service channels they use are calling telephone lines and seeking in-person assistance at Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs). The IRS reports its performance assisting callers on the telephone lines using a metric called Level of Service (LOS), which fails to measure several industry standard factors. TAS has advocated for the IRS to adopt a more comprehensive measure of phone service that includes the quality of the caller’s experience. Although it is commendable that the IRS reported an LOS of 88 percent on its Accounts Management (AM) toll-free phone lines during Filing Season 2024, that calculation includes calls where the IRS routed a caller to an automated response when they wanted to reach a live assistor, calls where the CSR was unable to answer the caller’s questions, and calls where the taxpayer had to call multiple times or was unsatisfied with the service they received from a CSR for other reasons. As such, the LOS is neither a good measurement of service nor an accurate reflection of the taxpayer experience.





Expected Completion Date




Activity 1: Advocate for the discontinuation of the Level of Service measure.

Activity 2: Propose new methods of measuring taxpayer experience that include metrics related to quality of service provided for the IRS to put in place by the end of fiscal year (FY) 2025.

Activity 3: Advocate for the IRS to give callers an opportunity to opt into a post-call quality survey before they connect to a CSR by the end of FY 2025.

Activity 4: Promote expanded TAC hours of operation beyond 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, including regular Saturday hours, to be in place by the end of FY 2025 for all TAC offices.


Actions Completed

1st Quarter

Quarterly update on the identified activities


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