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In February of 2019, I released the 2018 Annual Report To Congress in which, among other things, I discuss the influence of tax audits on taxpayers’ attitudes and perceptions, and specifically focus on the three primary types of traditional or “real” IRS audits, which can occur through correspondence, at the taxpayer’s home or business, or at an IRS office. In my 2017 Annual Report to Congress and a related blog post around nine months ago, I described IRS audit rates and the distinction between “real” and “unreal” audits. This blog, however, provides an overview of traditional or “real” audit programs, along with some of my findings.
The IRS is authorized to examine books, papers, records, or other data and take testimony to determine the correctness of any return and the liability of any person for tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 7602(a). The IRS’s primary purpose in selecting tax returns for examination or audit is to promote the highest degree of voluntary compliance. IRS audits are intended to detect and correct noncompliance of audited taxpayers, as well as create an environment to encourage non-audited taxpayers to comply voluntarily.
As stated above, the IRS conducts audits either via correspondence, office, or field audits. Generally, correspondence audits are managed by mail for a single tax year and involve no more than a few issues that the IRS believes can be resolved by reviewing simple documents. A field exam deals with more complex issues and involves a face-to-face meeting between the taxpayer and an IRS revenue agent at the taxpayer’s home or place of business. Finally, an office audit is conducted at a local IRS office and generally involves issues that are more complex than those found in correspondence exams, but less complex than examinations conducted in the field.
In fiscal year (FY) 2018, the IRS audited almost 970,000 taxpayer’s tax returns (including business and individual returns), approximately 0.5 percent of all returns received that year. Correspondence audits are by far the most common type of audit comprising approximately 76 percent of all audits (business and individual) as shown on the figure below.
In my report, I discuss examination programs operated by three IRS business operating divisions – Wage & Investment (W&I), Small Business and Self-Employed (SB/SE), and Large Business & International (LB&I).
An overview of the audit selection process for each business operating division can be found in the Exam Introduction section, of my 2018 Annual Report.
A TAS review of 2018 audit results by audit type reflected some of the strengths and weaknesses of the IRS’s examination programs in terms of promoting voluntary compliance.
Of particular concern, is that most of these correspondence audits involved audits of individual income tax returns of low-income taxpayers with incomes of $25,000 or less who claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The high “non-response” and default rates among these taxpayers suggest that it is especially difficult for taxpayers who claim the EITC to respond to the IRS timely and appropriately for several reasons, including the complexity of EITC eligibility requirements and complicated family living situations.
In effort to determine the effectiveness of the IRS’s audit program, it is essential that we look at the factors that influence voluntary compliance. In next week’s blog, we’ll explore recent research into these factors, especially in the context of audits, and discuss the impact of IRS audits on voluntary compliance.