Tax News 2/25/2015 National Taxpayer Advocate Testifies on IRS Oversight National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson testified today at a U.S. House Appropriations Committee heari...
Tax News 2/24/2015 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Welcomes New Members The Department of Treasury has approved the selection of 29 new members to serve on the Taxpayer Adv...
NTA Blog 2/19/2015 IRS Collection Performance With the onset of 2015, I made a New Year’s resolution to restart my blog and provide periodic ins...
Tax News 1/26/2015 NTA on C-SPAN Washington Journal This morning, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson appeared on the C-SPAN call-in show Washington J...
Tax News 1/21/2015 National Taxpayer Advocate Releases 2014 Annual Report to Congress National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson released her 2014 annual report to Congress, which expresses c...
Success Stories 1/20/2015 TAS Helps Taxpayers Defrauded by Tax Return Preparer Even with a cautious and thorough appraisal of a tax return preparer you’re considering hiring, it...
Tax News 1/20/2015 NTA Nina Olson on NPR’s Morning Edition National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson was interviewed for a story on NPR’s Morning Edition, on the...
Tax News 1/16/2015 NTA Nina Olson Named to Top 100 Most Influential People Nina E. Olson is not only the National Taxpayer Advocate, and the taxpayer’s voice at the IRS. She...