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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 8, 2024

Persistence Pays Off in Audit Dispute

TAS Success Stories

Every year the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) helps thousands of people with tax problems. This story is only one of many examples of how TAS helps resolve taxpayer issues. All personal details are removed to protect the privacy of the taxpayer.

A taxpayer contacted TAS for assistance when their tax return was selected for audit and they were unable to resolve the audit through regular channels. TAS advocated for the taxpayer by providing a signed statement from their landlord that included the names of the taxpayer and their dependents, the start date of the lease, and the landlord’s contact information. The landlord even provided a copy of the lease, which included the names of the taxpayer and their dependents. Although TAS recommended the documentation be accepted, the IRS replied that the landlord’s statement wasn’t an official document and was not adequate proof that the children lived with the taxpayer. The IRS informed TAS that a statement from the children’s school or medical provider was needed. Rather than further burdening the taxpayer by requesting additional documentation, the case advocate elevated the issue to their manager.

After the TAS manager contacted the IRS and received the same response, the case was elevated further to the next level. The TAS senior manager again reviewed the issue and the documentation with the IRS, resulting in the taxpayer’s return being accepted as filed. Although the IRS did not provide an explanation of the original decision, the issue was fully resolved, with the IRS issuing an apology to TAS. The TAS employees’ determination to get the right result for the taxpayer drove them to pursue and resolve this case with the least burden possible to the taxpayer.

When working with the Taxpayer Advocate Service, each individual or business taxpayer is assigned to an advocate who listens to the problem and helps the taxpayer understand what needs to be done to resolve their tax issue. TAS advocates will do everything they can to help taxpayers and work with them every step of the way. Occasionally we feature stories of taxpayers and advocates who work together to resolve complex tax issues. Read more TAS success stories.

Learn more about whether TAS can help you: TAS eligibility – https://taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/about-us/learn-more-eligibility.

Can TAS help me with my tax issue?

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