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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 6, 2025

Avoid Tax Return Errors & Refund Delays

TAS has launched a nationwide Pre-Filing Season Awareness outreach campaign to help you avoid common return processing issues that cause refund delays. We invite you to attend one of the pre-filing events in your area. If can’t attend an event, we have resources available to you on the TAS website and a list of tips below.

Follow these tips to help prevent common issues.

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Use your year-end income statements (e.g., Form W-2/1099), not your pay stub, to verify your income. Your income figures must match what’s reported on year-end statements. Employers have until January 31 to send your income statements, and you must wait to receive them before you file.
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Double check that your information is correct for yourself and your dependents. Check name spellings, taxpayer identification numbers, dates of birth, addresses, and bank account information.

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Check for all credits and deductions for which you may be eligible. Review the tax form instructions to ensure you claim all the deductible items and credits for which you are eligible. Complete any worksheets, schedules or forms to support those items.

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Attach all forms and schedules before you submit your return. Don’t forget your income statements and special forms to support credit claims (e.g., Form 8892 or Schedule EITC).

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E-file — be aware of tax software that imports prior year data automatically. E-filing a tax return is the most efficient way to file, but make sure you’re using current tax year data to avoid mistakes.


If you want to learn more about us and our services, at any time, just visit us at: https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov

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