If you are receiving monthly advance payments of the Child Tax Credit, you can make certain changes in the Child Tax Credit Update Portal by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 4 to affect the next scheduled payment on October 15, 2021.
You can manage certain payment actions, like those listed below, in the Child Tax Credit Update Portal:
To access the portal or to get a new step-by-step guide for using it, visit IRS.gov/childtaxcredit2021. The IRS is scheduled to add additional management actions to the tool’s functionality, like updating the information about qualifying children, soon. Continue to watch for those tool improvements.
You can also use the Child Tax Credit Update Portal to check to see if you’re already enrolled.
If not, use the Advance Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant tool to see if you qualify for the advance payments.
Taxpayers who qualify and want advance payments, but have not filed a tax return yet, should e-file.
If you were not required to file a return for 2019 or 2020, you can use the IRS’s Non-Filer: Submit Your Information tool to register to receive payments.
See the IRS News Release IR-2021-188, titled IRS: Families now receiving September Child Tax Credit payments, for more details.
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