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Report address changes to ensure you receive your refund and IRS correspondence

Report Address Changes

Have you moved since you filed your 2019 tax return? If so, make sure you update your address with the IRS now.

The IRS expects to issue all tax year 2019 refunds for individual returns that do not have errors (or other issues that would delay processing) by direct deposit and paper checks in calendar year 2020. But if you have not received your 2019 tax refund by the end of December, you will need to update your address in order to receive it timely. That’s not the only reason you should keep your address up-to-date.

2019 Refunds to be issued by paper check in 2021

For 2019 refunds that cannot be issued in 2020 because the tax return is being corrected, reviewed, or awaiting correspondence from a taxpayer, the method of paying the refund will be changed from direct deposit to a paper check per the IRS’s normal processes in 2021.

It is critical for everyone who has had a change of address since filing a tax return in 2019 to update their address immediately, to ensure any refund is not sent to the wrong address.

Correct addresses are needed to receive IRS correspondence

It’s also important, especially if there are items on your tax return that need to be clarified, for you to receive the notifications and requests for information that the IRS mails. You may need to take reply quickly; missing correspondence from the IRS could impact your tax account. This applies to both individual taxpayers and businesses, including businesses that may have recently closed.

How to update your address with the IRS

Visit the IRS Change of Address page for options to update your address. TAS does not recommend waiting to update your address on your 2020 return as it may not be processed in time to affect receipt of IRS correspondence or refunds already in process for the 2019 tax year.

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