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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 8, 2024

TAS Tax Tip: Help resources for federal taxes


Need quick access to helpful resources that may assist you with various federal tax issues? Here are some links to resources for a variety of common tax topics.

Below are links to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) websites:
Filing tax returns – These links have information on filing returns, free assistance available for filing, tax return preparer information, and more.

Post filing issues – These links contain information on responding to IRS notices and letters, filing an amended tax return if needed, how to go about resolving a tax related issue, and more.

Refund information – These links contain federal refund information, including what to do if you did not receive a refund, or if it was different than expected.

Check the status of your refund:

Payment options – These links contain payment options available should you owe a tax balance.

General help resources – If you have any type of federal tax issue, we suggest you look to the links in the sections listed first in this article. But if you are still unable to address it in a way that you need, see these sites for all available federal tax help options.

IRS and TAS operational information – These links contain the latest information on how certain operations are working. Check here often for the latest updates.

Latest tax related news – These links contain the latest updates on specific tax topics, changes for the current tax year, warnings about the latest taxpayer related scams to be wary of, and much more. You can also follow TAS on social media by clicking on any of the icons at the bottom of this page.