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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 8, 2024

TAS Tax Tips: IRS begins delivering third round of Economic Impact Payments to Americans

Economic Impact Payment 3

The IRS announced the delivery of the third round of Economic Impact Payments (EIP3) on March 12, 2021.
Immediately following enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the first batch of EIP3 payments were sent by direct deposit, which some taxpayers have received already. Additional batches of payments will be sent in the coming weeks. Most of these payments will be by direct deposit, although some taxpayers will receive a check or debit card in the mail. The form of payment for EIP3 payments may differ from the first and second rounds of EIP.

No action is needed by most taxpayers; the payments will be automatic and, in many cases, similar to how people received the first and second rounds of EIP.

Taxpayers can check the Get My Payment tool on IRS.gov to see the payment status of the EIP3. You can find help for using this tool under Frequently Asked Questions. Please note, the Get My Payment tool updates once per day, usually overnight. Also be aware that IRS phone assistors don’t have information beyond what’s available on the tool and on IRS.gov at this time. (EIP information for the first and second rounds of EIP is no longer available in the Get My Payment tool. Instead, see First and Second Payment Status for more information on those EIPs.)

More Information

For more information about EIP3, see the IRS News Release, Fact Sheet (More details about the third round of Economic Impact Payments). Please monitor the IRS.gov Economic Impact Payments page for new and updated information, along with forthcoming questions and answers, about EIP3 which will be posted as it becomes available.

The Taxpayer Advocate Service will also be updating our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tax Relief page and posting information on our News and Information page as additional IRS guidance becomes available for all tax-related topics under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

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