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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 7, 2024

Tax Pros: Don’t Miss the Taxpayer Advocate Service’s 2020 Tax Forum Virtual Seminars

The 2020 Nationwide Tax Forum is now online. Join the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) and thousands of other tax professionals in this new virtual environment. Earn continuing education credits by attending over 30 online educational seminars presented by IRS employees and members of professional associations.

The online sessions feature the latest information from the IRS, news about tax law changes and the chance to chat with TAS representatives and to connect with vendors in a virtual environment.

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TAS Seminars

At this year’s tax forum, TAS will present two seminars and oversee its own virtual booth. This year, the TAS sessions will focus on:

Advocating for Immigrant Taxpayers

This panel will focus on what tax obligations and tax benefits apply to immigrants, including resident and nonresident aliens, and what issue arise. It will also discuss issues with needing and applying for an individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Advocating for Taxpayers with Collection Information Statements

This panel will cover best practices for substantiation challenges on form 433-A, Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed Individuals. Topics include: voluntary support payments, value of distressed assets, business-use vehicles, taxpayers living in high-cost locales, and expenses that differ from the allowable living expenses.

Registered tax forum attendees can see what’s new in the Taxpayer Advocate Service’s virtual tax booth. If you’re attending this year’s virtual Nationwide Tax Forums, come preview details on the upcoming Digital Taxpayer Roadmap online, chat with TAS representatives, and learn how TAS continues to drive advocacy forward for taxpayers and tax professionals.