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Published:   |   Last Updated: November 19, 2024

Did Questioned Credits Get Verified (AQC)

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Letter 4800C, Questionable Credit 30-Day Contact Letter, is mailed to taxpayers informing them that the IRS is proposing a deficiency or disallowing a claim for refund or a credit for a subsequent period’s estimated tax.

I need more information


What does this mean to me?

Based on the information reported to the IRS under your name and Social Security number (SSN) by employers, banks, and other payers, you may need to verify tax credits claimed, income tax withholding, or business expenses before your refund will be released or applied as an overpayment to next year’s estimated tax.

You must respond within 30 days from the date of this letter, or the proposed changes will be made to your account changing the amount of your refund. If you don’t respond within the 30 days as required, then after the suspense period, the IRS will send either a Letter 3219C, Statutory Notice of Deficiency, allowing the taxpayer 90 days to petition the Tax Court, or a Letter 0105C, Claim Disallowed, or a Letter 0106C, Claim Partially Disallowed, and will make an immediate adjustment reflecting the claim disallowance.


How did I get here?

While processing your tax return, an attempt was made to verify wages, withholding, and refundable credits, such as the Premium Tax Credit or the American Opportunity Tax Credit, that were reported to the IRS. The IRS records do not match up with the amounts you reported; therefore, the IRS is proposing adjustments to certain items on your return, e.g., your wages, withholding, and refundable credits. Adjusting your wages may also adjust your refundable credits claimed, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit.


Check the return address

The first thing to do is to check the return address to be sure it’s from the IRS and not another agency.


If you didn’t file

Call the IRS immediately as you may be a victim of tax-related identity theft. Someone else may have used your personal information to file this return.

Note: Authorized third parties may assist taxpayers, but the taxpayer must be present on the phone or in-person.

Complete and send the IRS a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, to authorize someone (such as an accountant) to contact the IRS on your behalf.


If You Filed a Return

To support the entries on your return and complete processing of your tax return you may need to submit documents and information requested in the Letter 4800C (within 30-days from the date of the letter), for example:

  • Copies of periodic pay statements or check stubs clearly identifying dates of your employment and the gross income received and withholding deducted.
  • A letter from the employer on company letterhead or stationery showing dates of your employment and the gross amount of wages paid and withholding deducted.
  • §  A copy of your Form 1095-A, Affordable Insurance Marketplace Statement, or documents showing proof that you or your family enrolled in health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
  • For tuition paid during the taxable year, photocopies of cancelled checks, receipts for tuition, fees and books, or transcripts from the educational institution. You can also submit a list of the classes you took showing the payments you made or documents showing that you were enrolled in a postsecondary school program.

Do Not file a Form 1040-X , Amended U.S Individual Income Tax Return, at this time. Your account will be corrected based on the review of documents submitted.

For the fastest case resolution, you may consider using the Documentation Upload Tool to reply: 

  • complete your letter (signed and dated) 
  • scan or take a photo of your letter showing if you agree or disagree 
  • complete the upload form 
  • submit your response 

 You can also reply by: 

  • Fax your information to the fax number in the letter using either a fax machine or an online fax service. Protect yourself when sending digital data by understanding the fax service’s privacy and security policies, or 
  • Mail using the envelope enclosed with the letter. 

The review process could take anywhere from 45 to 180 days. If you have not received your refund or heard from the IRS after that time, contact the IRS at the toll-free number listed at the top right corner of your notice.

If the IRS accepts your documentation, the IRS will send you a letter stating that it accepts your return as filed. If your documentation is not accepted, you will receive a letter explaining why. If you disagree, you may request a conference with the IRS Independent Office of Appeals (Appeals).

If you disagree, in the enclosed envelope, send the statement and photocopies of your original documents that support your position. If you’re unable to verify an amount you claimed, explain the issue and how you determined the amount. Include the Response Form or a complete copy of this letter.

If you have submitted all of your documentation and do not agree with the proposed changes to your account, request your case be forwarded to Appeals for review.

If you agree with the proposed changes to your account, sign and return the enclosed form. You will receive a bill advising you of the amount owed. The amount owed will include interest and penalties that will continue to accrue until the balance is paid in full.

If the IRS doesn’t accept the documentation submitted, you will receive a letter explaining why. If you disagree with the decision, you may request an Appeals conference. Appeals is independent from the IRS office that sent you this letter. If you don’t wish to appeal or you disagree with the Appeals decision, you may have the right to take your case to court.


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If you still need help

The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS. TAS helps taxpayers resolve problems with the IRS, makes administrative and legislative recommendations to prevent or correct the problems, and protects taxpayer rights. TAS helps all taxpayers (and their representatives), including individuals, businesses, and exempt organizations. You may be eligible for free TAS help if your IRS problem is causing financial difficulty, if you’ve tried and been unable to resolve your issue with the IRS, or if you believe an IRS system, process, or procedure just isn’t working as it should.

TAS has offices in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. To find your local advocate’s number:

Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) assist individuals whose income is below a certain level who need to resolve tax problems with the IRS. They also provide education, outreach, and information on taxpayer rights to individuals who speak English as a second language. LITCs represent taxpayers in disputes before the IRS and courts and help taxpayers respond to IRS notices and correct account problems. Services are offered for free or a small fee. LITCs are independent from the IRS and TAS. For more information or to find an LITC near you, see the LITC Page or Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List. You can also request Pub. 4134 by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).

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