Introductory Remarks by the National Taxpayer Advocate
The IRS has made considerable progress over the last two years in improving the taxpayer experience. Although Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding was heavily tilted toward enforcement and allocated only four percent of IRS funding to the Taxpayer Services account and only six percent of IRS funding to the Business Systems Modernization technology account, the IRS has developed ambitious but achievable taxpayer service and technology goals that it has been working diligently to accomplish.
But continued funding is critical to enable the IRS to successfully deliver on its mission and transform how it works with taxpayers going forward. Over the past two decades, IRS funding has yo-yoed up and down, preventing the agency from developing realistic long-term plans because it could not be certain funding would remain available for implementation. That is why the multiyear funding provided by the IRA has been a game-changer for taxpayers. Though the Enforcement funding in the IRA has been controversial, Taxpayer Services funding and technology funding have received bipartisan support, as they should, and they require continued support to provide taxpayers with better service and a better overall experience.
The National Taxpayer Advocate and her TAS team stand ready to help improve taxpayer service and tax administration for the benefit of all taxpayers and to continue to serve as their safety net when the system fails, all while working to protect taxpayer rights and minimize taxpayer burden.
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