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National Taxpayer Advocate’s Introductory Remarks

In her Fiscal Year 2025 Objectives Report to Congress, National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins states: “Although the IRS continues to face challenges as it begins to modernize its technology systems and business processes, I remain optimistic that it is making strides in the right direction. In this preface, I have tried to highlight two key points. First: The telephone Level of Service measure is deficient. The IRS must do a better job of identifying and implementing a balanced suite of performance measures to ensure it is effectively measuring its success in incorporating changes that will bring tax administration to the right place rather than stretching to meet the Level of Service goal that does not accurately measure the taxpayer experience. Second: Of all the initiatives the IRS has undertaken to improve its operations, the ones that are truly transformational and will most dramatically improve the taxpayer experience over the next ten years are technology-based and should receive funding priority. These two areas are key to improving taxpayer service and transforming the IRS… Based upon my 40 years working in tax administration, I believe that improved service, early and clear guidance, education, easy-to-follow instructions, state-of-the-art technology, and transparency are critical components to maximize voluntary tax compliance and should reduce the level of enforcement necessary to ensure compliance with our extraordinarily complex tax system.”

Read the Full Preface ->

“As of April 2024, the IRS was taking more than 22 months to resolve Identity Theft Victim Assistance cases, and it had approximately 500,000 cases in inventory. … Delays of nearly two years make a mockery of the right to quality service in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The IRS must prioritize assistance for these victims and fix this problem quickly.”

Erin M. Collins, National Taxpayer Advocate
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