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Taxpayer Advocate Service’s (TAS) FY25 Objectives Statuses

Read the FY25 Objectives Report

The National Taxpayer Advocate (NTA) submits two Congressional reports annually, including the Annual Report to Congress (statutorily due on Dec 31 each year) and the Objectives Report to Congress (statutorily due in June of each year). In the Annual Report, she highlightes the most serious problems in tax administration, makes legislative recommendations, and discusses the most litigated issues. In the June report, she sets advocacy Objectives explaining how TAS will advocate in the coming fiscal year to improve tax administration. The objectives are designed to publicly share where TAS will focus its external advocacy efforts to influence tax laws and policies in ways that improve the tax system, protect taxpayer rights, and assist taxpayers in meeting their obligations. The information on this page provides the current status our Objectives for the 2025 fiscal year.