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TAS Website Style Menu

This section of the TAS website is setup to create a “take out” menu of options for styling pages and posts on the TAS website.  Below you will find helpful guides regarding standard conventions used throughout the site as well as choices for the various components and modules used to build content pages and posts.  The guides on conventions used are intended to ensure uniformity and consistency – preserving the cohesive user experience across the TAS website.

*Note: these pages have been marked no-index, no-follow.

Common Elements

This is where page-level elements and common fields are described.  I need to describe this more…

Module ID

While not a page-level element, the Module ID is a field on EVERY module.  It inserts an ID attribute to the container <section> element for the module, allowing targeting of the section via CSS, JavaScript, and linking.  It is critical to the functionality of the Sub Navigation Module, which requires identifying the in-page link target by its Module ID.

Hide Footer Listing

This checkbox hides the bottom three elements, that have the heading “We’re Your Advocate”.  This is typically not shown (hidden) on article pages, and only shown on Get Help and Notice pages.  The feature is turned on (the section is hidden) on this page, but can be seen on this page.

Featured Image

The featured image is used to include an image for aggregate content listings, such as the News Block on the homepage, or other landing pages.  Other than these aggregating modules, and WordPress archive pages, the Featured Image is not presented in the theme used on the TAS website.  The graphic is typically a different variant (resolution/size) of the header image.

Types of Pages

The following are the types of pages of content on the TAS website.  You can expand each to read about the standard conventions and modules used on each, to ensure a consistent “look and feel” across the TAS website.


Article Posts

Articles are News items that appear in the navigation under “Tax News & Information”.  They’re created in the Posts area of WordPress, and are assigned a category at creation, which determines where they appear under the “Tax News & Information” navigation menu.

An example would be this NTA Blog.  Note that articles typically only use a Header Module and Copy Module, and the bulk of the article composed as basic HTML text in the copy module, using various heading levels, paragraphs, and sometimes tables or blockquotes.  Rarely, an infographic is included.


Static Pages

Static pages are pages of content that may be updated from time to time, but the URL/link to them remains the same.  These are presented in a common layout, according to the topic of information contained.  All Get Help pages look alike, just like all Notice pages.

An example would be this CP 21-B Notice page.  Note that it begins with a Header Module, however many other modules are used throughout to provide different types of information in different ways.  Each static page type uses a different structure, common to that type.


Landing Pages

Landing pages are a type of static page, except they are designed to be a “waypoint” further into the site, consolidating access to the static pages of content.  Landing pages rarely include much content of their own, and therefore have a different layout style.

An example would be this Get Help landing page.  Note that it starts with a Header module with no image, and proceedes to a Product Card Module with an illustration.  This is followed by additional resources, using the Resource and Tools Module.


Get Help Redesign

Get Help pages are similar to Landing Pages they are a type of static page, except they are designed to be a “waypoint” further into the site, consolidating access to the static pages of content.  Landing pages rarely include much content of their own, and therefore have a different layout style.

A current example would be this Get Help landing page.

The proposed new example would be this Get Help landing page.


In the proposal we are looking to add more mirror modules this would simplify editing of the pages for SMEs as that content would not need to be reviewed by them.

  • Wait I still need help
  • TBOR

Adding the Tax Tips module so the most recent tax tips are automatically pulled. (When we can get in the back end this would change to 4 articles instead of being so big but right now we cannot change that)

Removing unneeded texture from the page.


Some pages have YouTube videos need to decide how to show those.


Roadmap Redesign

Roadmap Notice Pages are similar to Landing pages are a type of static page, except they are designed to be a “waypoint” further into the site, consolidating access to the static pages of content.  Landing pages rarely include much content of their own, and therefore have a different layout style.

A current example would be this Notice landing page.

The proposed new example would be this Notice landing page.

In the proposal we are looking to add more mirror modules this would simplify editing of the pages for SMEs as that content would not need to be reviewed by them.

  • frequent updates banner (Could potentially move or remove that also)
  • Where Can I get additional help?
  • TBOR

Look at options for “Where am I in the tax system” (Current Green Banner – change to grey or use the roadmap banner instead and keep the button at the top)

Add navigation to each page