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TAS Style Menu – Event Module

The Event Module is used to display events (the custom post type) in a simple card listing.

Available options:

  • Headline – Text to include as an H2 heading (with a class of “section-heading”) at the top of the module.
  • Hide Event Titles – Checkbox to determine whether or not to hide the event titles from on the cards.  This is used when a selection is made to show all events of a particular category, on a page specifically designed for the category (where the title would be superfluous information).
    Yes | No
  • Show These Specific Event(s) – Choose specific events to showcase, regardless of other criteria.
  • Event Type – Show all events for a given category (WordPress taxonomy).  Useful for aggregate pages related to a particular type of event (e.g.; Tax Forum, LITC, Pre-filing days, etc…)
  • State – Show all events for a particular state.  Useful for aggregate pages related to a particular office or location.


  • Events will only display when their date is in the future (past events “drop off”).
  • When no events are found, the module will display the text “No upcoming events found”.

No upcoming events found