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TAS Style Menu – Header Module

The Header Module is used on almost every page of the TAS website.  It is the primary means of presenting the page title to the user, along with a subtitle, additional descriptive text, and possibly an image.  If an image is omitted, the heading text spans the full width of the module.  If an image is included, the module is presented in a 7/5 layout (12-column layout); with the header/text section using 7/12 of the container, and the image using 5/12.

Available options:

  • Hide Breadcrumb – do not display the text just below the navigation bar, with links to each level, for Home > {Type of Article} > {article name – not linked}
    Yes | No
  • Background Color – include background color of #F7F6F4 (“White Smoke”)
    Yes | No
  • Content – Flexible HTML body content.  This should include an H1 heading for the title, and optionally an H2 heading for a subtitle.  Options for font sizing can be found on https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/text-styles/
  • Image align – Normal presents with text to the left, and image to the right, in a 7/5 split (12 col layout).  Center bottom presents with text above and image below, stacked with each in a full 12 col row.
    Normal | Center bottom
  • Image – need text regarding sizing/resolution. If no image is used, Image align is ignored, and the text is presented in a full-width (12 col) layout.
  • CTA Link – A button linking elsewhere (defaults to Teal #50ACB1 background and White #FFFFFF text).  The button also displays a white arrow to the far-right of the button, which moves slightly upon :hover.
    URL & display text
  • Show published date – displaying the date the article was published
    Yes | No
  • Show date – displaying the date the article was modified/republished
    Yes | No

Below is an example of the module with the recommended/typical settings (Breadcrumb = Yes, Background = No, example heading and text, Image Type = Normal, Placeholder image selected, CTA link to google, Show published date = Yes, Show date = Yes).

Published:   |   Last Updated: May 3, 2024

Header Module Example

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