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TAS Style Menu – Mirror Module

The mirror module is used to bring content into the page/post from another post.  It can bring in a duplicate of whatever is identified in the Mirror Module’s options – from the target post.  The specifics are outlined below, but the key is to make note of the Module ID of the target that you want to mirror.

Available options:

  • Source Page – Picklist of posts.
  • Module ID – The Module ID of the target post from which you want to mirror.

Below is an example of the module, configured to look to the post used most-commonly for mirroring: the uncategorized post titled “00 – Blogs Header and Footer (private)“.  This post has its visibility set to Private, so it isn’t found by search engines and bots; and is used to create mirror-able content, for use on multiple pages/posts.

There are only two fields (both required) for this module type, due to its simplicity.  It is important to note two things when using this module:

  1. The content_lookup field for the Source Page only looks through Posts on the site (not Pages or other custom post types).  This is true, even though many of the content items using the mirror module are Pages and not Posts.
  2. The Module ID selected must match the text in the target post’s “Module ID” field.  While viewing the page in edit mode, each module identifies the module number in a circle next to the module name.  These identify the module’s order in the page/post, and is automatic from its drag-and-drop placement in sequence.  It has no bearing/correlation to the Module ID” field; which can vary, as well as contain alpha-numeric values.

The most common use of the Mirror Module is to reference the TBOR on Get Help and Notice pages.


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