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TAS Style Menu – Quotations Module

The Quotations Module is used to include a quote from someone, in the site’s overall theme.  This is generally reserved for landing pages and other sections of content where it is appropriate to use a quote to enhance content.  Success story articles are alternate candidates for using this module, but it should be done sparingly.  Each page/post should only have one quotation module, if it is used.

Available options:

  • Body copy – Text to include as the actual quotation.  Quotation marks should not be included, nor should extra styling.
  • Caption – This is the attribution line, so the name of the person being quoted should be listed here.  Do NOT include hyphens or other marks.

This is the module used for quotations, and the <blockquote> HTML element is used as a “callout” or other inset block of text. While semantically, the two are used in opposite manners, the style is setup throughout the theme for this usage.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ornare laoreet mi. Donec maximus fermentum convallis. Sed lorem nunc, tempor nec odio vitae, facilisis placerat lacus. Maecenas venenatis gravida mauris, ut dictum eros suscipit vitae. Pellentesque consectetur magna nec vulputate laoreet. Aliquam urna purus, pellentesque id nunc bibendum, ultrices viverra metus. Quisque quis auctor lectus, vel consectetur risus.

Attribution line