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Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Estimator

Please select the tax year:

Employers in Hawaii

Hawaii has received a 5-year State Innovation Waiver under section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act. Employers in Hawaii cannot participate in the SHOP Marketplace or claim the credit for insurance premiums paid for health plan years beginning after 2016. For more information on the waiver, visit

Two Consecutive Year Credit Period

Beginning in 2014, you may only claim the credit for two consecutive years - this is called your credit period. Your credit period begins in the first year, 2014 or forward, for which you claim the credit. It doesn't begin until you claim the credit.




Eligible Employees

Excluded Employees

Eligible Tax Exempt Employers

Hours of Service

Net Premium Payments

Payroll Tax Limitation for Tax-Exempt Small Employers


State Average Premium Limitation

State Subsidies and Tax Credits

Total Wages