The Employer Shared Responsibility Provision
The provision applies to certain employers called applicable large employers (ALEs). An ALE is an employer that, taking into account the employees of all members of the employer's aggregated group, had an average of at least 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) during the preceding calendar year. All types of employers can be ALEs, including tax-exempt organizations and government entities, including tribal governments.
Determining the Payment for 2015
This estimator is designed only for 2016 and forward.
For 2015, transition rules are applied in determining the payment. For information about these rules and how to determine the payment for 2015, see the ESRP Regulations.
Applicable Large Employer Status
Applicable Large Employer (ALE) status is determined by counting the number of full-time employees, including full-time equivalent employees, employed by all members of the aggregated group in the preceding calendar year. If the result is 50 or more, you are an ALE for the current calendar year. You must look at all of your employees, including seasonal workers, when counting to determine ALE status. If you are an ALE, you may be required to make a payment to the IRS if you do not offer coverage to your full-time employees (and their dependents), and you are required to report certain information about the coverage to the IRS.
When counting your employees to determine whether you are an ALE, you may exclude employees who are covered by TRICARE or certain health programs for veterans. For more information on this rule, see Determining if an Employer is an Applicable Large Employer.
Determining Full-Time Status of Employees
If you are an ALE, you may owe the payment if at least one of your full-time employees receives the premium tax credit because:
- You don't offer health coverage to at least 95% your full-time employees (and their dependents) or
- You do offer health coverage to at least 95% of your full-time employees (and their dependents), but the offer of coverage doesn't provide minimum value or is unaffordable to a particular employee, or a full-time employee that was not offered coverage receives the premium tax credit.
A full-time employee is generally an employee who is employed on average of at least 30 hours of service per week.
There are two methods to determine the full-time status of your employees:
- The Monthly Measurement Method and
- The Look-back Measurement Method
Employee Categories
You may use either the look-back measurement method or the monthly measurement method in determining full-time employee status for different categories of employees and are not required to use the same method for all categories.
The permissible employee categories are:
- Collectively bargained employees and non-collectively bargained employees,
- Each group of collectively bargained employees covered by a separate collective bargaining agreement,
- Salaried employees and hourly employees, and
- Employees whose primary places of employment are in different states
The Employer Shared Responsibility Payment
The employer shared responsibility payment is not a flat amount and there are different methods for calculating the two types of payments. Each type of payment is calculated on a monthly basis. The two types of payments are: the payment under section 4980H(a) and section 4980H(b). An employer will not be liable for both types of payment in the same month. The section 4980H(a) payment could apply if you do not offer at least 95 percent of your full-time employees (and their dependents) minimum essential coverage.
The section 4980H(b) payment could apply if you are not liable for the section 4980H(a) payment for a month, but one or more full-time employees enrolls in coverage through the Marketplace and receives the premium tax credit because you did not offer the employee coverage, or because the coverage you offered the employee is not affordable or does not provide minimum value.